it took my toddler about 2 seconds to figure out that it came off and it quickly turned into a weapon. I think the toolbar comes off way too easily. Typically I rock my baby in a cradle position so the movement to her actually sides to side, not up and down. I wish that it had an option to bounce side to side as well. I think this could help a baby learn to self-soothe themselves. Traditional bouncers use the baby to move it, and it only really starts bouncing when the baby is so upset that you need to go pick them up. I also like that there is white noise, my newborns always prefer this to music. I’m sure it washes up nicely if you can get the cover off. I do like the soft fabric that cuddles the baby. I’m sure there is a way to get the cover off, but I wasn’t smart enough to figure it out. How do you get the cover off to put the batteries in? I was finally able to peel the battery section back to squeeze the batteries in. Mandy’s Thoughts on the Bright Starts InGenuity Automatic Bouncer: I only wish that it came with batteries!! I had no batteries on hand to use in it, so I left that up to my reviewer to do. But, when it was all put together, it was adorable! The hardest part was fitting the fabric cover over the frame of the bouncer seat. It probably took me about 25 minutes to get it all together.

I first want to say how SOFT this material is on the seat cover! Oh, a little baby would LOVE that I am sure! As you can see in the picture above, it has quite a bit of stuff to snap together. Bright Starts InGenuity Automatic Bouncer Review I tend to skim through directions, but with this one, I really couldn’t do that.
Bright starts bouncer seat how to#
If you don’t read the directions, you probably won’t understand how to put this bouncer together.

It arrived rather quickly and so I got started on assembling it. I received the Bright Starts InGenuity Automatic Bouncer. So, you will be hearing her thoughts on this bouncer as well as mine. Now before anyone gets annoyed, or rolls their eyes, I let my friend, who just had a baby about 3 weeks ago, review it for me. Though I don’t have a newborn, yet, we HOPEFULLY will sooner, rather than later, I did receive the Bright Starts InGenuity Automatic Bouncer to review. * Bright Starts InGenuity Automatic Bouncer Review.